Friday, 5 September 2014

Kit Hill 05/09/2014

An interesting day all around, we managed to find several new mines in and around the hill however for the day access was not possible. First looking for quarry lode on the north side of the hill we spent an hour pushing our way through head high shrub, finally finding the adit level however it was gated. Although it is gated access will still be possible through a shaft further up the hill, i descended one of the shafts the day before, however it proved extremely dangerous as it undercuts to much deeper workings.

After this we had a look at the south side of the hill at the workings down there. The adit has been filled in, however above the chimney stack a line of open stopes look accessible. From what can be seen it looks like it will be a 30m decent into the stopes which should lead us into the majority of the workings.

Finally we had a look at one of the WW1 adits on the eastern side. Although it is gated there is enough room to squeeze over the top. Upon entering there is a large winze which is only negotiable via a very thin ledge. Knowing that the odds were that i would end up falling into the flooded winze i left all my gear behind other than my helmet and light...

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